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Reduce Bounce Rate

“Our company was founded in…

We achieved the industry award between…

while delivering outstanding service solutions – ”


And they’re off. Elsewhere.

Of course they are: after a 3-second scan to a competitor website 2 clicks away.

Now here’s the thing. Your existing content may be word-perfect.


But words need to anticipate, cultivate and satisfy reasons for reading about your business

in the first place.


Let’s suppose a visitor to your site has been online for the past hour.

Or they’ve just put down a recipe book. One that really has them looking forward to a tasty dish . . .

Whatever sense of passion invokes their interests should be present in your message.


And that’s where skilled copy is a massive Return on Investment.


Prospective clients and customers stick around to read it.

And respond…

Let’s reel ’em in!